
Myth No. 1
“Bitumen roofs cannot support solar panels”

Hello dear readers,

Some customers and people interested in solar energy have doubts as to whether a solar system can be installed on a roof with bitumen sheets.
The clear answer is yes!

Especially for many flat roofs, covering with bitumen sheets is the standard.
Especially with regard to flat roofs, customers are unsure whether installing the PV system will damage the roof covering or even cause the roof to leak. When it comes to flat roofs, we can definitely give the all-clear, because here we work with weighting plates that are placed on the substructure into which the modules are screwed. This means that the system is stable even in severe storms.

The situation is somewhat different for roof pitches of more than 10 degrees. Here, the PV system must be connected directly to the rafters, which requires a roof penetration. Thanks to good workmanship and sealing at the penetration points, the roof is guaranteed to be watertight.

So whether you have a roof with or without bitumen sheets, a flat or pitched roof, you can use the free solar energy!

Please contact us for a free consultation about the economic viability of a solar system for your home.

PS: Attached are pictures of a bitumen flat roof and a bitumen pitched roof from our current projects in the Berlin area.

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