45% State funding for replacing oil heating

Get rid of the old oil heating and get 45% subsidy from the state for a new and economical heat pump? The BAFA supports homeowners (only old buildings) to switch to old CO2-intensive heating systems. The state reimburses an incredible 45% of the costs for the Switching from an oil heating system to a heat pumpIf a certified energy efficiency consultant recommends the change, there is a 51% subsidy bonus. This means you get 50% of the investment costs back from the state. This applies up to a total amount of 60,000 euros. 

How does a heat pump work?

The heat pump could offer an interesting possibility for this. Put simply, the heat pump function is based on the principle of absorption, compression, release and expansion. Depending on the energy source, the environmental heat contained is used to heat a refrigerant. The refrigerant thus absorbs the environmental heat and gradually evaporates. A "compressor" increases the pressure and thus also the temperature of the vapor. A heat exchanger transfers the energy of this steam into the heating system (e.g. radiators, underfloor heating, etc.). This causes the coolant to cool down and become liquid again. In a special valve, the pressure of the coolant is reduced to the original level. The heating circuit now starts again.

Amount of funding using the example of a heat pump

You can compare prices for the installation of heat pumps on our comparison portal GreenHomeNow. The heat pump for a new building with 4 people costs around 8-10,000 euros with an output of around 10kW, plus around 2,000 euros for installation. If you switch from an oil heating system to a heat pump with prior planning by an energy consultant, you will save 50% of the 12,000 euros investment costs. This means you only pay 6,000 euros for your new heat pump! 

According to calculations by energy hero Over a 25-year period, heat pumps are always more cost-effective than oil heating systems in terms of consumption and operating costs, even without government subsidies for changing the heating system!

To size heat pumps for your home, read this Article.

Attention! With the introduction of the CO2 tax, everyone will have to paytraffic tax for the operation of oil and gas heating systems.


About The Author

Klemens Witte is passionate about the topic of renewable energies. As a research assistant at various institutes, he has worked on how technologies can be used to increase the proportion of renewable energy. With GreenHomeNow, he helps homeowners get the best price for a solar system, produce their own electricity and become more independent from large electricity companies. He sees this as an important contribution to the decentralized expansion of renewable energies and thus to slowing down climate change.
