Why is the energy transition in private households progressing so slowly? 

In my discussions about renewable energy systems with homeowners in Berlin, I often get the answer that they no longer want to invest in their house because of their age. Statements like "If you have an 8 in front, you don't expect much” or “I'm just saving up for the box!“ are common. When I then ask about the heirs of the house and whether they are interested in a solar system, for example, I get the answer, “that's what they should do when they're in here“. 

In Germany, many homeowners are 60 years old and older (fact check). Many of them will live in their property for at least another 10-20 years and, as described above, will not contribute to the energy transition for a long time. However, due to their large numbers, they are an important factor for a successful energy transition. If we want to achieve the 1.5 degree target, private households must do their part for a green energy transition. A first start would be made if parents and children worked together to install renewable energy systems before the children took over the house. This would mean that many properties would be equipped with solar systems, heat pumps and modern energy management systems much earlier. They could thus make an important contribution to the green energy transition today. 

Many older homeowners are not (yet) aware that they have a responsibility towards future generations and that their inaction will further fuel climate change. 

Then there are also older homeowners who simply do not have enough money to raise the minimum of 8,000 euros for a small solar system. To enable these people to install a solar system, for example, simple and inexpensive financing that does not require a credit rating would be a good way to do so.

GreenHomeNow aims to drive the energy transition from the bottom up by enabling homeowners to produce their own energy locally in a cheap and green way and thus reduce their CO2 emissions. That's why we will give homeowners without sufficient financial resources access to affordable financing so that they can become an active part of the energy transition.

Are you a homeowner and want to be part of the energy transition? GreenHomeNow compares the best and cheapest offers for solar systems, heat pumps and other renewable energy systems for you. Join our waiting list and we will create the best offers for your renewable energy system free of charge.

About The Author

Klemens Witte is passionate about the topic of renewable energies. As a research assistant at various institutes, he has worked on how technologies can be used to increase the proportion of renewable energy. With GreenHomeNow, he helps homeowners get the best price for a solar system, produce their own electricity and become more independent from large electricity companies. He sees this as an important contribution to the decentralized expansion of renewable energies and thus to slowing down climate change.
