Consider the solar system when renovating your house!
Renovating your house is a good time to think about installing a solar system/solar thermal system. If there is scaffolding on the house, for example, it is easier for installation companies to get the solar modules onto the roof and attaching the substructure is also quicker. In addition, costs can also be reduced if no extra scaffolding is required.
funding programs
There are many funding programs for energy-efficient building renovation and C02-friendly heating systems that also include solar thermal energy. You can find cheap loans of up to 150,000 euros for energy-efficient renovation and for renewable energies such as solar systems. In some federal states there is also funding for battery storage in solar systems. GreenHomeNow will be happy to apply for these grants for you so that you save money.
taxation planning
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Now is the best moment!
All in all, the energy renovation is one of the best moments to install a solar system, which can, for example, supply the newly installed heat pump with green electricity from your own roof.
For Solar System Customers

For Solar System Customers

Benefits for installation companies

Very good advice and planning for our solar system. Always a friendly employee available by phone. Good value for money/transparency. Reliable implementation with a competent installation company.
We are happy to recommend GreenHomeNow!
Beate E. – Customer
Contact me now!
GreenHomeNow finds the best offers for a solar system and submits the necessary funding applications for you.