• Solaranlage, Wärmepumpe, Wallbox: Ihre Fragen – Unsere Antworten (Berlin)

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Maximize Your Energy Efficiency with Advanced Wallbox Solutions

Key Features of Our Wallbox Solutions

  • Professionelle Wallbox Installationen in Berlin für Ihr Elektroauto. GreenHomeNow bietet Beratung, Verkauf und Installation aus einer Hand.

Why you should choose Green Home Now for the installation of your wallbox

Benefits of choosing our wallbox

  • Elektroauto laden in Berlin | Wallbox Installationen

Finished Projects


Charging times depend on your vehicle model and the size of the battery, but typically our wallboxes are fully charged within 4 to 8 hours.

Yes, our wall boxes are designed to work seamlessly with solar power systems, allowing you to charge your EV with renewable energy.

Our wallboxes are universally compatible and work with all major e-vehicle brands and models.

Our Wallbox is equipped with advanced safety features, including overload protection, to ensure safe and reliable charging.

Yes, of course! We can help you apply for available incentives and subsidies to reduce the cost of installing your wallbox.